Friday, November 20, 2009

The Holidays are a great time to get family photos. The best photos are of just what your family and friends are doing on those days. Laughing together, opening presents, making dinner, setting the table. All to often I hear brides say to me "Beware of Grandma, she is relentless about getting photos." Give everyone a break from lining them up for formal snapshots, have fun with it.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Getting Good Pictures of Babies

Wait until they are asleep! When babies are very tiny they do strange things when with there eyes so it is best to wait until they are out of it and you can kind of mold them so that you have time to get the photo that you want.

Thursday, November 05, 2009


It is not too late to get great senior photos.

There are great specials at White Glove for the month of November.
Call for an appointment