Thursday, November 06, 2014 50 comments from unsatisfied brides.

These comments amaze me, I have never had any bride make these comments to me. Choosing a photographer, you need to choose a professional. Try going to the PPA site, find a photographer, for referrals, you have a better chance of getting someone that knows what they are doing. You also need to pay the photographer what they need to make a living. Expect to pay $2500 to $3600 for an entry level photography package. Otherwise you just get someone with a part time weekend job, they just don't care.
I have read every problem and they all sound like newbies. Pay me now or regret it later, sad very sad.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Have we been sold a bill of goods?

There was a recent study about the difference between people who actually viewed an event and those that recorded it with a device. Taking photos or video. The group that watched the event remembered the event better than those who used a device to record. They were simply more consumed with working the device than with enjoying their lives and the events that were going on around them.

Also even if they record the event with photos or video they are less likely to go home and actually watch the event, makes sense who wants to watch a tiny screen for hours at a time. Watch in full live view, enjoy the moment life size in front of your face.

Is it time to put down the devices and enjoy our lives? We have been sold many devices that record events in our lives, were we over sold do we need to take another look at the products we purchased, have they enhanced out lives or are we missing our lives.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Check out my new Pins on Pinterest
Love the hair trends and the High School Senior Fashion Trends.

I will be using Fire and Flour in my upcoming Senior Photos. Contact me to schedule your photo session today:

Wednesday, August 06, 2014

I am really enjoying the new color for wedding dress this year. The blush is beautiful.

Another new trend is the reception center pieces, Hot Air balloons. Really different and cute.

Even the trends in my own industry have become more clever, A jump drive in a bottle, how cute
is that.

I love new ideas!

Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Tips for taking better photos

Get closer, I look at my own photos before I studied photography and I was so far away and the people were so small you could hardly see them. If I knew then what I know now I would have moved that camera in for a better shot.

Hold that camera still, even with the IPhone you need to concentrate on holding it still. Use both hands if you need to.